So like when i went into the playstation store and looked up the skin i was supposed to have it would say free because i already had access to it.

Same thing when i download Kp 1, i had access to those new skins but i had to get them through the download screen. I had this same issue when i got shao kahn, because i had the karacter when i preordered the game, but i didnt underdtsnd that i still had to go to the download menu to download it. alternatively, it may be that it downloaded the basic game, but you still have the other content it just needs to be downloaded. it may be that because you pre-ordered it, you're only getting a basic version of the game now and may not be able to get the extra content till the actual release date. My advice is its either one of two things:

I know nothing about xbox honestly so i reslly cant help you there at all. Oh nvm i see you're on xbox, didnt notice it in your pist the first time.